Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy LONG WEEKEND everyone!!

October is definitely one of the best months of the year (move over June and July), why you ask?
How about a list of 10 spectacular things to do in October:

1. Celebrate all those awesome people in your life who are born in this deliciously dramatic month (I am one of them lol) and because Libras are so charming and witty (and so darn handsome, just check out these fellow Libra celebrities!), a great party is just around the corner...

2. A long weekend!!! You can finally sort out stuff at home, your plans and your love life. Hurray!

3. Great food: Thanksgiving parties are a culinary feast and should be viewed as such, not as a party you dread attending for a) lack of excitement; b) pesky conversation topics, c) certain relatives you wish you could avoid indefinitely, or d) all of these. And if you suspect that party food is not going to rival the Food Network's dishes, it gives you a great opportunity to get creative and whip up something tantalizing yourself (so go online, pick a dish, go grocery shopping and play personal chef at home afterwards). A bonus: if you bring that spectacular creation to your family dinner, you will start a great conversation about something everyone enjoys and can relate to: FOOD :)

4. Intense Creativity Attack: October lets your inner artist out like no other month (Scary decor for the front door? Easy! A spur-of-the-moment dessert made out of pure boredom? Delicious! A DIY Halloween costume? Sure! Afterall, you don't really want to pay those 60$ or more for a polyester ensemble made with basic sewing skills in China...)

5. Spontaneity: October weather has a habit of rapidly changing without prior notice, so revel at the opportunity to practice being spontaneous yourself! A rainy day - go to the museum or a show, a great day outside - head out to the local park, go Apple picking, or hop in the car with some friends for a great weekend getaway (sometimes unplanned fun is the best fun you'll ever have :P).

6. Inspiration & Ideas: the weather outside may be frightful, but the fire in your heart is delightfully hot and is generating ideas & to-do-lists at a speedy pace (must be the start of the school year...). So go ahead and compose that poem, write a story, paint a picture, create a website, make your wedding favors/invitations, and otherwise indulge in this October tide of inspiration and ideas.

7. A little bit of Introspection: nothing like the abundant waiting times in October (traffic, bus, doctor's appointment, etc) makes our minds wonder, often focusing on those good ol' problems and trying to find a solution. And it's great because once you work through an internal dilemma and find a solution (any solution, really), life certainly becomes brighter, so cheers to that!
 8. Widen your social circle: Did we mention parties??? What a great opportunity to practice your social skills and make new friends! Plus, if you are at a Halloween costume party, it's so much easier to navigate through potential friends (Hello Ms60s/BettyBoo/HermionyG & MrPimp/GarbageCan/SofaGuy!) and friends with potential to become much more (What a lovely Superhero/Pirate/Officer costume...) :P

9. Inconspicuous crush remover/break the ice time: let's say you have a friend, who crushing so hard on someone but is afraid to make a move(and you are tired of hearing all about it & them being dateless)? Halloween parties are THE hook up parties of the year - it's just so much more fun and disarming! And your friend will thank you after wards for the push & the pep-talk (if it works out: great!, if it doesn't : they can move on with their lives and you will have more fun topics to talk about together). So go ahead, dress up as Pirates or Vampires (don't forget the rum and the confidence!) and go score some booty!

10. Adventures in the bedroom - perhaps the most fun & useful one of the list, why not take Halloween behind close doors and explore (under the pretense of that creepy Oct31 holiday of course) your romantic fantasy together? And that's why October is the best :D

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